Movie Watch True Fiction amazon HD 1080p star John Cassini Thriller
Country Canada. . Braden Croft. runtime 1H 34M. Release date 2019. Star Sara Garcia, Julian Black Antelope. A poem for JoJo, based on a true fiction story.
True fiction books. True fiction novel. True t 23 2. True fiction goldberg. True fictionx. True fiction power. I didnt like the opening credits part. I miss the classic AHS “theme song”. I like 80s nostalgia but I fill that AHS is trying to capitalize on the success of Stranger Things with this season.
True 2 door refrigerator. I'm a bit. baffled. There are definite positives to this film, most of them revolving around performances. Leonardo DiCaprio as washed-up TV actor Rick Dalton is genuinely good, which is more charitable than I usually am toward Leo. The only two times that Id really been a fan of his acting happen to be his Tarantino work, in Django Unchained and in this, and moments like his trailer freakout (“eight whiskey sours! ”) and frumpily making margaritas at the end revealed a sense of comic timing that I didnt know Leo had. Brad Pitts charisma is still fully intact as stuntman Cliff Booth, and is similarly fun to watch for his persona and dialogue. The two mens friendship is the backbone of the film, and its treated in a caring, heartfelt way, even if its more thinly drawn than the relationships between Vincent and Jules in Pulp Fiction or Ordell and Louis in Jackie Brown. The production design evoking Hollywood in 1969 was well crafted, all done in-camera rather than in post, though I will say that some costumes and hairstyles struck me as more contemporary than they were meant to be. At times, I liked the mood of the film. but only when it wasn't boring me. And thats where the positives end and the problems start, for me. Why is most of Quentin's style gone here? I don't need this to be a clone of his previous films, but there was so little style to Once Upon a Time. in Hollywood. Bland camera movement, stripped-down dialogue, low energy. I understand that it's meant to be more languid and melancholic than his previous output but I've never been bored for long stretches of a Tarantino film before. The moments where his style reappeared were bungled: an abundance of weirdly stilted expository dialogue from Damian Lewis as Steve McQueen, Kurt Russell as the occasional narrator, and the Manson children in their car before the climatic finale was jarring for a film of his—it's so strange to see him mishandle dialogue. Tarantinos typical freeze-framed annotations, which feel much more at home in his more playful films, stick out as very clunky in this one. And why can't Tarantino control his foot fetish, especially in a scene where it's established through explicit dialogue that the character whose feet he's focusing on is still a minor? This film is Tarantino's attempt to be freewheeling, rather than plotting in the labyrinthine way that he usually does, but he doesn't seem to be able do freewheeling especially well. He needs an editor who challenges him. Never has the absence of his former editor Sally Menke been more noticeable than here. Since her passing after completing Inglourious Basterds in 2009, Tarantinos subsequent films, edited by her replacement Fred Raskin, have been much less cohesive. Does Tarantino wish for a reality in which the studio system didn't collapse in the late '60s? The film seems to insist on a yearning to go back. If so, why? The majority of his work owes so much to New Hollywood, foreign films and independent cinema that it is strange to me that he'd wish for the old system to not have ended, if those are indeed his feelings. Half the shit he loves came out after this era, so why is it of paramount importance to him, from a cinematic point of view? If we're instead talking more about holding onto '60s society/values/ideals at large and not the state of film specifically, then it's poorly depicted, considering that we only see what's inside the Hollywood bubble here. Why have the Manson murders be prevented by people who weren't the targets? The historical revisionism in Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained amounted to cathartic acts of retribution by characters toward their oppressors, which makes more sense than Rick and Cliff not even knowing who their attackers are. And the notion that the old guard—represented by has-been actors—could've been the saviors of the "idyllic" 60s, even though this particular point in time had already been preceded by Vietnam, the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., and so many other "losses of innocence. that I can't imagine that even Tarantino himself believes that. Why is the Hollywood studio system equated with innocence? To believe that the industry itself was anything approaching innocent is an insanely naïve notion that we should have completely shed by the age of #MeToo. And if it's about the innocence of the content, why should the viewer want this moment in time to be preserved? Who cares about keeping the remnants of the Hays Code in Hollywood films? This is Quentin "Because [Graphic Movie Violence] Is So Much Fun, Jan. Tarantino we're talking about, right? Why prevent the Manson murders at all? What does that thematically accomplish? If it's to prevent '60s countercultural idealism from dying, that's confusing, considering how the movie continually calls its villains—the Manson children—"hippies. The strangely quick and early single appearance of Charles Manson in this film undercuts his importance to the events of the finale, granting his cultists more agency than perhaps they really had. Their troubled circumstances are almost entirely glossed over, seemingly to imply that they are the ones fully deserving of retributive violence rather than Manson himself, unlike the comeuppance received by Hitler and his high command in Basterds and the various slaveowners and plantation system at large in Django. Briefly getting to know Pussycat, a young member of the Manson family, is utterly wasted by the finale, partially because she isn't present for it and partially because her comparative depth doesn't seem to be applied to her fellow cultists at the end. Is this intentional? If so, why? Are we meant to just uncritically cheer at their gleefully grisly deaths? Why tease that Cliff may have killed his wife? What is the purpose of inserting that possibility and then not developing it or letting us know if it's true or not? Is it only to set up his capability for violence in the finale? The Bruce Lee and Spahn ranch scenes establish this on their own. For a movie titled after Sergio Leone's films, and Tarantino's favorite film being The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, why skip ahead through what could have been an engaging Spaghetti Western section and instead spend a ton of screen time on much drier American TV Westerns? Why have Sharon Tate do absolutely nothing in the film? Why is her most narratively-relevant beat to welcome Rick into Hollywood high society at the end? Deifying her into an angelic symbol of the spirit of the '60s just dehumanizes the very real victim of a horrific murder spree. All things considered, Once Upon a Time. in Hollywood is my least favorite Q. T. film by a long shot. I havent seen The Hateful Eight, Deathproof, or Four Rooms, and right now, Im just not in a hurry to catch up.
True fiction dulux. Non fiction true crime books. Freezer true. S O A P D I C K. I am looking for recommendations. I did not see any rules which disallowed that. I used to watch a fair amount of anime when I was younger. I still respect the medium, but I've largely stopped watching it because I haven't enjoyed anything I've tried in way too long. I got into anime circa 2003, and devoured shows for years with my friends. It was a time when I feel like there was a quality filter. If someone bothered to translate the show to English, either a studio or a fansub, it was because the show was pretty good. I don't feel like that is true anymore. Here are my loves, likes, and dislikes. This is far from an exhaustive list of show I've watched or tried to watch, but hopefully a reasonably representative sample of my tastes: LOVES Evangelion - my favorite piece of media of all time. I don't love it for the mechs, or specifically for its dark tone, frustrating inscrutability or shocking twists. I love it for its amazingly deep and complex characters, insightful commentary on the human condition, and creative execution of abstract psycho-drama. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Simply a brilliant comedy. Masterfully done. Ouran High School Host Club - Never fails to bring a smile to my face. Cowboy Bebop - A classic. How can one not like this show? PsychoPass - A wonderfully fresh take on cyberpunk and a fantastic work of speculative fiction. Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Simply a wonderful epic fantasy adventure with lovable characters. Your Name - A movie hasn't made me cry in a long time. Erased - One of the best things I've seen in recent years. A fresh mystery and cool work of magical realism. LIKES Samurai Champloo - Bebop's cute younger sibling. Madoka Magika - A wonderful deconstruction of a silly genre turns into a beautifully dark piece of storytelling. The Devil is a Part Timer - Light and funny Dragon Maid - A cute slice of life that I found endearing. Moribito - A really satisfying unconventional fantasy adventure story. Death Note - The first half was so good. NEUTRALS Yuri On Ice - I almost liked it, but there was too. god. damned. much. figure skating. Brilliantly animated, but I don't watch the winter olympics for a reason. Things That Are Supposed to Be Good But I Did Not Enjoy Death Note - The second half was so bad. Attack on Titan - Awesome high concept, but found the characters flat and boring. Couldn't be bothered to watch the second season after it was finally released. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - I watched the first few episodes. I appreciated the bizarre over-the-top comedy-serious tone of the show, but it failed to leave me wanting to watch more than I did. One-Punch Man - Similar to JoJos. I watched a few episodes and just couldn't get into it. Food Wars - I hated it. Watched 6 episodes with a good friend who loved it and made her sad because I disliked it so much. I've really come to strongly dislike the shonen "I'm going to be the best at X" genre. I crave things that are more substantive these days. Sword Art Online - See Food Wars, but without the emotionally vulnerable friend. TL;DR - I stopped watching anime because I started to dislike everything the internet said was good. I'm hoping people can point me to things I'll enjoy. Extra bonus points if the protagonists are adults and not school kids. UPDATE - Thank you all for the overwhelming response! I'm sorry I didn't respond to you all personally. There are a number of shows/movies that were mentioned several times that I'm going to check out! There were also a number of shows that just sounded like they'd be up my alley. Topping that list (in no particular order) are: March Comes In Like A Lion A Silent Voice Mob Psycho Tatami Galaxy PingPong Violet Evergarden Steins;Gate Wolf Children Grimgar Vinland Saga Beastars Wotakoi Parasyte Hinamatsuri Space Dandy Thank you to everyone who took the time to suggest new shows to me.
True fiction films. Mr Lynch is a genius and a very attractive man indeed. Jackie Chan is a complete traitor to Hong Kong and he is a coward China boot-licker. Bruce Lee would never have Dishonored Hong Kong like Jackie Chan is. Fiction true or not. True tbb 4g. 3 3 Posted by 2 years ago Archived mpared to one "based on actual events" since Hollywood likes to take excessive liberties. 1 comment 80% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by level 1 1 point 2 years ago Top five: Jurassic Park, Bride of Chucky, Twelve Monkeys, Hook and Back To The Future II. More posts from the Showerthoughts community Continue browsing in r/Showerthoughts r/Showerthoughts A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar. 19. 4m Members 16. 3k Online Created Oct 18, 2011 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.
True fiction. True fiction 2018. True crime fiction. True fiction 2019. Level 1 Damn turns out Im not true Marvel fan I didnt cry for half the movie 😥😥😥 level 2 joke on you i didn't cry at at all, i even did not watch the movie that's showing how much of a fan i am i dont even need to watch it level 2 Apparently I should have been sobbing like a baby during the action climax when Tony snaps away Thanos. level 2 Youre not true marvel fan if you didnt crying in those scenes. Get the fuck out. level 2 I only had a happy tears when spider-man came back, not a fan 😢 level 2 Jokes on you, I laughed when Black Widow and Iron Man died level 1 I didn't crying I am perfectly balanced level 2 I didn't crying I am stuff level 2 Comment deleted by user 5 months ago ( More than 1 child) level 1 Damn it I should have crying, now I cant fan level 2 Damn bro without you I am dying in the heat level 1 This almost reads like an ironic meme to me. Almost. level 2 yeah but then you see the in the corner level 1 Ngl i thought Black widows death was kinda funny because i knew it was gonna get memed level 2 OH NOOOOOO! YOU SPOILED IT FOR ME! level 1 I didn't give a fuck about Black widows death, a friend told me before I watch and honestly I never cared about the character Subreddit dedicated to terrible memes and cringe from fandoms all across the board, post away (crossposts can are fine too) Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.
This channel is amazing. You're one of the few channels who do videos on the cinematic value of television and I love all your videos. Thank you and this channel deserves more support. True fiction movie 2019. I have added as much detail as possible of what happened the night we saw the Tall White "Supernatural Being" Aka "Nightcrawler" Sʔi:ɬqəy̓. Sisiutl" and exactly what it looked like. This experience was the only paranormal experience I've ever had, probably the only one that I will ever have in my life and was one of the two most spiritual/terrifying experiences I have ever had. I am 26 years old, this experience still scares me to this day, I will never forget walking out of that forest that night and I will remember it for the rest of my life. If anyone has had an experience/encounter with something like this please let me know in the comments. I've looked all over the internet and reddit for encounters that were identical to mine or even similar and there are absolutely no encounters like mine. I am already well aware of the Nightcrawler videos, I wasn't aware of the videos till a couple years after my encounter/experience. I have seen the Fresno Nightcrawler videos many times, the movements looked way more terrfying and "psychedelic" in real life compared to the videos, and it looked a lot more ghostly/spirit like. It was visually stunning/haunting compared to the videos and something you would have to witness/experience for yourself. The one we saw stayed in the same exact spot the whole time we saw it. It did not walk anywhere like the ones in the videos and there were some differences in appearance. Yosemite/Fresno and the Lowermainland/Fraser Valley are about a 16 hour drive apart but they are both connected by a long strip of forest areas that consist of other national parks and national forests that are right on the edge of the North Pacific Ocean. I sent a drawing I did of the Being to someone that was First Nations on instagram that lives in B. C not to far from me and he knew what it was right away, told me what the name of the Being was in his their language and show me their "High Status Symbol" which was a "Double Headed Serpent" I was told to flip upside down because it represents the beings. Other people and I have tried searching up the name of what the specific indeginous culture call them here in B. C on the internet and the "Dictionary Of Upriver Halkomelem. We could not find the name online or in the dictionary, probably because he said it's "High status stuff they don't share publicly. I did some recent some research based off of what he told me and I found out some of the other real names different indigenous cultures call the "Nightcrawlers" I posted them at the very bottom of my encounter below the TL;DR with other research I took off the internet about them. Here is a screenshot my friends old house and some of the 5 acre forest with the spots marked out where we approximately were and where we saw the Tall White Being. Here is the rough drawing I made of "exactly" what the Tall White "Supernatural Being" looked like: Here is the Fresno Nightcrawler video without sound, this is the closest someone will ever get to the real experience due to how silent it was and how silent the forest was. Here: is me and my friends conversation a year after we saw the Being (2011 when I was 17) I dug up in my facebook messages. I clearly hadn't spoken to my friend in a while and I say "I can't stop thinking about the figure we saw in his forest" I say "the feeling I had when I saw it was death" he states "hes never been as scared since. he was worried to tell anyone about it" and he was "Mesmerized by its movements. TL;DR close to the bottom of post but I suggest you read the whole post though because it is worth it. Encounter/experience: Back in 2010 in Lowermainland/Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada approximately in early October or mid October when I was 16 (I am 26 years old now) My old friend lived in the northwest rural part of my city(has a lot of forest area and farm land as I posted) His backyard has 5 acres of forest with a few houses surrounded in the distance around the outskirts of the forest. Me and him would go and explore the forest all the time because it was quite mystical and just a cool place to wander. This one time me and my friend went outside to his forest with his dog like we would usually do in the daytime, but this time at night in his backyard forest at about 1 am to go explore and smoke a joint like usual (Which we were sober at the time and did'nt even get to smoking because of encountering the "Being" and being terrified, we ended up smoking it inside his basement/room. There's a steep cliff made out of forest floor when you first walk in. It is only about 20 -25 feet into the forest area from the "entrance" of the forest. When we were standing at the top of the cliff/ravine before the path way leading down to the rest of the forest and the creek at the bottom which was the only safe way to walk down especially at night, I could see a 7-8 feet tall pure white soft looking figure and it was inbetween the trees moving around softly swaying left to right back and forth slowly standing (touching the forest floor) in the exact same place the whole time we saw it making absolutely no sound and there was absolutely no wind. I wasn't even going to say anything about the figure to my friend at first because I was waiting for my friend to say something. We observed it for a couple seconds in complete silence and we were "mesmerized" by it's movements, then I asked my friend if he saw it and he said yeah he could as well. We stood silent in fear as we were watching it do its strange unsettling soft swaying movements/trying to adjust our eyes to the Being and see what it was doing. As I was in a slight daze watching it sway I started to feel a ominous energy "set in" and felt impending doom (the sinking feeling) in my chest area like when you are going to die or are in a life threatening situation and I had shivers going throughout my body. That's when I told my friend specifically "I don't like this" he agreed and we left immediately. I wasn't so much scared of the sight of the Being, I was more curious about the strange movements it was making and what it really looked like, I was scared of the feeling of death it made me feel. It felt like I was going to literally die, or something really bad was going to happen. The Supernatural Being was just white long limbs seemed to be at least 7 - 8 feet tall from where we were standing which was about 30 - 40 feet away from us below around the pathway we would take down to the rest of the forest. It was not a trick of the mind or light, there was no light nor moon shining in the forest because it was filled with tall pine trees/other vegetation had various leveling's. It was not a spiderweb or any sort of garbage (we had gone back in the morning daylight and saw nothing out of the ordinary. His forest is pristine condition cause no one ever goes in it, there is no garbage. There were no houses close enough to give off any light or give off a shine through the trees and the Being was not see through it looked like it was almost solid, but it was very ghostly/spirit looking as well. It was upside down V or U shaped and It had no facial features/head at all from what we could see in the dark. It was so white it looked like it was almost shining but it wasn't because it was'nt giving of any light of any sort or illuminating the ground or trees around it, you could see the shadow being cast on while it was swaying in the pitch black forest. It looked solid enough to the point where you couldn't see through it at all, it was solid white. It appeared to be three dimensional. It looked soft and kind of shiny, it was swaying left to right, right to left with its two really long arms, it looked bulky/strong at the top and shoulder areas and where a head would be but there was no head that I could see. The two long legs/arms almost looked like if how the front view of a ape crawling on all fours would look like, as if they were hunched infront. The best way I can describe it is 7-8 foot thin separated curtains in the shape of a upside down V or U touching the forest floor and swaying left to right back and forth in a specific motion with no sound at all, absolutely no wind, dead silent. Its movements were "Psychedelic" and sort of "hypnotizing. It was soft like Charlies white spirit entering Peters body after the attic scene from "Hereditary" Probably the most solid description I can give of what it looked like. It was making no sound at all while it was swaying, it was beautiful to look at and terrifying/unsettling at the same time, that's why it was so astonishing to look at, it was almost angelic. There were absolutely no sounds in the forest, it was dead silent while it was moving back and forth. Its movements could have been a lure of some sort because it did not move towards us or anywhere, or it was just letting us know to stay away because it was scared to death as well or just didn't want us to disturb it. It was literally something you would see in a science fiction horror movie. We left very quick because we did'nt know what it was, it scared us and our intuition (my feeling of dread/death) told us it was dangerous. I remember my friend yelling something at it because he could tell his dog was scared, I am entirely positive the dog was whimpering. And the Being was just still swaying back and forth left to right between the trees in the same exact same spot. We left quickly because we were terrified and did'nt plan on wanting to even see what it was. Almost immediately after we got out of the forest (left the "entrance" of the forest (which we were not far from) it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders and the feeling of dread left pretty much immediately. There is absolutely no animals in Northern British Columbia, Canada or the rest of Canada and U. S that look close to what we saw, there are absolutely no animals that are 7-8 feet tall and stand on 2 legs. It did not have a body( It's 2 legs/limbs were its body) It was not a animal, and there is no possible way to "debunk" this. I have explored all the options of what it could have been. This was the first time we ever went out to his forest at night, and it was the last time we ever went in the forest at night. The 5 acres of forest is the biggest area of woods in that area. Around the area of town it is mostly just a couple million dollar houses, and farm/forest area. It is pretty much the greenbelt of my city. He has no neighbors that are close to the location because as I said his forest is 5 acres with the closest neighbors being at least 3 blocks down the street on the right hand side of the forest. To this day the feeling that I had when I saw the Being move still gives me shivers. The fact that we went out to the forest at that time really late at night and happened to see that freaks me out as well, cause it was clearly meant to be seen by us. If we went out any later or any sooner we might not have seen it in his forest at that moment of time. Like I said, I didn't have to point out to my friend where the Being was he automatically saw it at the same time I saw it. I think the feeling of dread could have possibly have been a warning to keep away from it and that is why me and my friend left right away without any hesitation. This was my only Parnaormal Experience I have ever had. There was no paranormal activity that I experienced when I would go to my friends house or on his property/ in his forest besides the one experience/encounter, but now that I think back on hanging outside there and exploring the woods there is for sure something "special" about the whole location. I understand a lot of people are scared of these types of things and they don't want to believe they exist, but would have had to be there yourself to understand what it looked like, see the creeping movements, and feel what I felt. Seeing one of these beings upclose is a spiritual experience that you need to experience and see for yourself to really understand what it was like. We have scaled my friends forest including the area where we saw the Supernatural Being at least 20 different times/ different days before hand seeing it and we went back the day after to the exact spot where we saw the Being in the forest and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. We both knew that it was some sort of being and it was something we shouldn't have been seeing or attempt to go up to. Here is my full description of the "Supernatural Being" Aka Nightcrawler, me and my friend saw: 7-8 feet Tall, Pure White (When I mean "pure white" I mean Paper, Bone white) Not see-through, Just 2 Pure White Long limbs (from what we could see in the dark. It was so white it looked like it was almost giving off light but it was'nt because it was not shining or illuminating the trees or ground and Im pretty sure you could see shadow on it from it moving back and forth in the same place between the trees, it looked bulky/strong at the top and shoulder areas and where a head would be but there was no head that I could see. It looked solid and looked three dimensional. I can only describe as 7-8 foot shiny separated curtains in the shape of a upside down V or U with some sort of bulkiness/shape to the top half, the whole thing was swaying touching the forest floor right and left back and forth in a specific motion with no sound at all, absolutely no wind, dead silent. To my best estimate it looked like the legs/arms were about one to one and a half feet wide and the whole thing was about 3 - 4 and a half feet wide from top to bottom. I tried my best to squint my eyes and adjust them to the Supernatural Being/dark better to see what it was doing or if I could make out what it looked like better, but it did not help at all it just still appeared as I described. (The drawing I made is exactly what it looked like, I am an artist and I tried my best to recreatre what it looked like to my ability, there was no extra detail necessary, like I said the drawing I made is exactly what it looked like. Tl;DR: Entered my friends backyard 5 acre forest at night close to 1 am and both of us immediately saw something out of place down the path below about 30-40 feet away from us in between the trees that was tall, white and three dimensional. It appeared to be completely white and soft like light, but it did not illuminate the trees or ground around it. There was no face or any facial features we could see, no arms and it was shaped in a upside down V or U. It was making creepy swaying movements with its (whole body) two legs left to right back and forth silently still standing on the forest floor in the exact same spot the whole time we saw it. It was so white that you could see the shadow being cast on while it was swaying. It did not pick up its legs or walk at all. I can only explain it as looking like 7-8 foot really white, soft, shiny separated curtains in the shape of a upside down V or U with bulkiness/shape to the top, the two long legs/arms almost looked like if how the front view of a ape crawling on all fours would look like, as if they were hunched infront. It was moving left to right in a specific motion standing on the forest floor in the same area between the trees making absolutely no sound, and there was absolutely no wind. It was beautiful to look at but terrifying at the same time. We watched it in silence as it was swaying and I started to feel impending doom (the sinking feeling in your chest) set in" and it felt like I was going to die or something bad was going to happen. I told my friend specifically "I don't like this" he agreed, and we immediately left the forest. We went back in the morning and there was nothing out of the ordinary (Spiderweb, Garbage, etc. in the spot where we saw the Supernatural Being. These specific beings go by "Sisiutl" and various other names from different Indeginous cultures. Here is the rough drawing I made of "exactly" what it looked like: Names, links and research to the beings) Nightcrawler" is just a made up name by the public/internet because they were captured on camera at night and they dubbed them "Nightcrawlers. Upon doing some recent research of what the First Nations person told me, many different cultures of indigenous people in B. C know about these beings and they all use a "Double Headed Serpent" to represent these beings. The Sto:lo First Natons states that there are 5 different kinds of "Stláleqem" Supernatural Beings) and the "Si:lqhey" is one of them. The names of these beings from different First Nations in B. C are Sisiutl/laqaqua'sa, sʔi:ɬqəý̓/siilquey/si:lhqey/Seelkee/Sflhqey, Si'xqe, Shla- lah-kum, Su'ike, Ts'ewalf, Sunulqaz, énétlékē, wasgo, haietlik/Haayiitlik, Say Nuth Kway, Sinulhka, Hi? Grubworm, Sisiuth, Se-sook, Larahwæse, sulwaus and Klu'bist. It specifically states in a Thesis from UBC called "The Northwest Coast Sisiutl" from 1975 they are Supernatural beings and shamanism is strongly associated with them. Sisiutl, the Kwakiutl primary variant of the double-headed serpent, is echoed in similar beings of the Tsimshian, Tlingit, Bella Coola, Nootka and Haida groups. Sisiutl occurs in many Kwakiutl myths, but it is an established supernatural spirit with many attributes and no myth of origin. This fact supports the notion that the character sisiutl originated among the northern tribes and was adopted by the Kwakiutl. In addition, the question of visual affinity among the Northwest Coast sisiutl and sisiutl-like beings in Shang/Chou China and seventeenth-nineteenth century New Zealand is briefly addressed. The symbol is heavily used in different cultures to represent these beings, they even have a statue at UBC in B. C dedicated to the beings. The soulcatcher (Haboolm Ksinaalgat) of the northern Tsimshian, Tlingit, and Haida peoples exhibits the same body form, and may derive its form from the sisiutl. This soulcatcher of "Sisiutl" shows the actual "being" secretly ornamented with abalone as the lips. If you tilt your head to the right or left you can clearly see the shiny Abalone inlay for the lips of the snake or teeth are actually the being itself hidden in plain sight. "The word for "sisiutl" in Tsimshian is Laqaqua'sa, which literally means "both sides head. The sisiutl is a legendary creature found in many of the cultures of the Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast. It is typically depicted as a double-headed serpent with fish qualities, sometimes with an additional central face of a supernatural being. The sisuitl features prominently in Pacific Northwest art, dances and songs. The sisuitl is closely associated with shamans because both are seen as mediators between the natural and supernatural worlds. Dancers donning the mask of Sisiutl adorn themselves with western hemlock boughs, signifying wildness. Sisiutl masks were often hinged, allowing the serpent ends to simulate lifelike serpentine writhing movements. Sisiutl masks were decorated with flecks of mica, which were believed to be scales shed by Sisiutl (often found on beaches. These mica chips provided an enchanting glittery effect when danced in fire-light. Taken from the "Sto:lo Heritage Policy Manual" “Stláleqem” is the word the Old People use to categorize certain spiritual beings inhabiting parts of Sólh Téméxw. These beings spiritual potency affords them a significant place in Stó:lō culture, yet they are difficult to describe or explain to people raised outside of the culture. Metaphors of “monsters” and translations of stláleqem as “supernatural creatures” fall short of conveying the full meaning of the word and carry a western perspective that robs “stláleqem” of its Halqeméylem essence. Likewise, the distinction western society makes between “real” and “unreal” is not applicable in categorizing stláleqem: some spiritual beings, such as the hairy giant sásqets (sasquatch) the só:lmexw (water babies) who live at the bottoms of certain lakes and deep spots in rivers, the mimestíyexw (little people) who inhabit various regions of Sólh Téméxw and assist spirit dancers, and the majestic shxwexwó:s (thunderbird) whose flapping wings make thunder, whose blinking eyes make lightning, and whose urine is rain, are all thought to be just as real as bears, chipmunks and sturgeon, and are not considered stláleqem. Perhaps the best way of conveying what a stláleqem is simply to identify them by name and then describe how they are referred to within sxwôxwiyám and sqwelqwel (oral histories. The Old Ones speak of at least five different types or kinds of stláleqem: Sí:lhqey, the two-headed serpent; Stqoya, the frightening glowing red eyes sometimes seen at night; Ápel, the large maggot who inhabits the rock bluffs and deep bays above and in the southeast corner of Cultus Lake; and Tliteqo Spá:th, the underwater black bear who lives in the waters of the Fraser Canyon near Lady Franklin Rock. An encounter with any one of these creatures can be dangerous, holding the potential for mixed outcomes. Stó:lō therefore regard places inhabited by stláleqem as xá:xa (spiritually potent; ≅ taboo. Since many current Stó:lō activities – hunting, ritualistic spiritual swimming, and “leaving our things” – lead people to visit places where stláleqem reside, it is important to know their locations and to follow proper protocol. Those who have been taught how to act appropriately, such as shxwlá:m (Indian doctors) can attain spirit power by showing respect to stláleqem. For instance, rather than turning and running upon seeing a stláleqem – a typical reaction of someone not prepared for the encounter – one should face it and slowly back away until the creature is out of sight. Another teaching specifies that a person should pluck hair from their head and blow it towards the stláleqem. Failure to follow these or other appropriate, sacred teachings can lead to serious consequences. Common reactions to mild, unintentional stláleqem encounters are often described as "causing the hair to rise on the back of your neck” or producing a feeling that an unseen presence is near. Those who are warned away and yet knowingly trespass into a stláleqem site may suffer xó:lí:s (to twist up and die. Children are particularly prone to this condition. Those who do not immediately die require the treatment of a shxwlá:m to relieve their sickness. In Canadian folklore, Seelkee" s? i:łqəý) transcribed in English from Halqemeylem, the local [indigenous language is a lake monster reported to have lived in the swamps of what is now Chilliwack, in British Columbia, Canada. Seelkee has been allegedly seen by the Stó:lō, people for hundreds of years. The most common description of Seelkee is a 10 to 15-foot-long (3. 0 to 4. 6 m) sea serpent] like beast with the head of a horse. Most descriptions talk about how the creature was snake-like with two heads. Once years ago I was eliciting ethnozoological information from an aged Lummi friend, Julius Charles. I had gone through Dalquest's Mammals of Washington, asking about everything from shrews to elk, and when I had finished Julius said something like: There's another animal you haven't got there. They used to be around here but they've become pretty scarce and the white people have never caught one and put it in a zoo. Function and appearance. Although the details in the various accounts of the spirit-serpent vary, there are some recurring themes. These include: the general appearance in the form of a large animal, usually a snake and in that case quite often a two-headed snake. The Kwakiutl tribe, who lived on the British Columbian coast north of the present city of Bella Coola specified that sisiutl was an animal that was "of the earth" not one of the mythical creatures of the sea; this distinctly shows that the Pacific Northwest tribes were convinced of the animal's existence. The humanoid central head likely symbolizes Sisiutl's supernatural shape-shifting powers Sisiutl could also change size from a few centimeters to a span sufficient to block of a bay. As a transomative creature of vast shamanic power, the Sisiutl could travel across all boundaries: land, water and air. Lillooet traditional cosmology recognizes a supernatural being called sünuƚqaz' which manifests itself as a gigantic animal, usually a serpent. A being with an etymologically related name and similar attributes is recognized by a number of other Salish cultures, namely, Straits, Halkomelem, and Squamish, while a similar animal, called by unrelated names, appears in yet other Salish cultures. This article discusses the various functions of this being in those Salish cultures where it occurs, as well as the etymological history of the name sünuƚqaz' and serves as a contribution to cryptozoology and the study of beings not recognized in the western taxonomic canon. The Houses of these mythical people had Sisuith carved on their cross-beams and when visitors entered the tongues of the serpent would constantly wag. These symbols (Double Headed Serpent) are used by clan members today in the ornamenting of their houses and articles of daily use. They are also carved on their Totem Poles. The Sea Sisuitl, a double-serpent of the Kwakuitls was one of the most powerful of the supernatural helpers. It aroused more awe than would be elicited by the representation of an ordinary snake. This creature was said in the lore of the British Columbia coast and Vancouver Island to be four feet in diameter and up to 20 feet long. At times it was in league with the mythological thunderbird. Its 'house' was either on land or in the water. The body has an identical head at each end with a human face, implying should power midway between. Almost always causing death when encountered, it was all the more dangerous because it would shrink itself to a tiny fraction of its true length. The sisuitl is holding an important symbol of wealth, the copper, which was used in potlatch ceremonies. Here, the combination of the all powerful sea-sisutl and the copper, symbol of the great wealth creates an awe-inspiring image. Woodworms play an important role in traditional religions of the Northwest Coast. Although small and seemingly insignificant, woodworms were considered powerful medicine animals due to their ability to bore through hard wood, and different northwestern tribes ascribed different magical powers to them, including shapeshifting, supernatural knowledge, prophecy, and healing. Woodworms are also used as a clan animal in some Native American cultures. Tribes with Woodworm Clans include the Tlingit. Woodworm is used as a clan symbol in some Northwest Coast tribes, and woodworm crests can sometimes be found carved on totem poles...
True t23. True fiction by goldberg. True look construction camera. 2 2 Posted by 3 years ago Archived 5 comments 63% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by level 1 2 points 3 years ago This is fucking me up. level 1 1 point 3 years ago yes its true its fiction level 2 Original Poster 1 point 3 years ago Still a story though level 1 1 point 3 years ago Yes. Though it is kind of weird to read it at first, that's the reason movies usually say: based on (historical) events" More posts from the Showerthoughts community Continue browsing in r/Showerthoughts r/Showerthoughts A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar. 19. 4m Members 16. 3k Online Created Oct 18, 2011 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.
I thought a great alternative story would be about Jack Parsons, one of the great untold stories of the 20th century, which is featured in The Secret History. Parsons was a central figure in the nuclear tests that brought forth Babalon (Judy) and attempted to summon the devil through the means of sex magick. But it seems that Ridley Scott has a mini-series on Parsons coming out in June.
Once again 'Professor Blake' as she had referred to herself as during these lessons, was ready to give another lesson on monsters. However, this time around, she wouldn't be meeting in the Amphitheater, and instead chose a spot near the edge of the forest. "Good evening everyone. Lily greeted as campers began to file into her lesson area. "For those of you who don't know me, my name is Ra. Lily Blake. Yes, for those of you who do, my real name is Lily. Anyway. Her voice rose in hopes of reducing any distractions at the revelation of her real name. Something she had kept a secret for her last seven years in camp. "For those of you who attended my last lesson, we covered some of the basics of monsters. Today. She walked over to a large board and spun it around to reveal some diagrams and drawings of various monsters. "We will be covering a few monster types, and some that I consider to be some of the most dangerous. Now, when I saw dangerous, I don't necessarily mean powerful. Obviously, strong monsters such as the drakon that attacked camp pose a danger of their own, but the ones I will be covering are monsters who pose a threat to demigods because of the abilities and tactics they have. Empousa "If you've ever read a book, watched a movie or a TV show about vampires, you have a general idea of what an empousa is. However, there are some differences between fictional stories and the things you will encounter in the real world. For starters, the empousa have one leg made of metal, and the other is the leg of a donkey. This isn't always the case, because they can hide their true form and appear as beautiful women. I would say that they only go after male demigods, but as I'm sure you all know, it isn't just the males who are attracted to beautiful women. One thing that makes them so dangerous, is their ability to disguise themselves with the use of magic. They could be your waiter at a restaurant, or any woman for that matter, but they will always appear beautiful. Part of their danger, is they can also manipulate the Mist and use other forms of magic. The biggest one, being the use of Charmspeak. If you've never had it done to you, just imagine your body doing whatever the hell it wants without your mind's consent. Of course, Lily had more than enough experience with Charmspeak. She was sure most of the people had heard the rumor about her pulling a knife on Sonja, but she would wager none of them were told that Sonja used her serpent tongue first. "Best way to defeat an Empousa, is first to detect that's what you're dealing with. They can change their looks, but not their smell. So if that beautiful girl smells like a donkey, she's likely an Empousa. Second, know what they are going to do. They will try and seduce you, but only in hope of drawing you in to feed. You can resist Charmspeak, so long as you know what's coming and can put up a mental block. It's not 100% effective, but might be the difference between their death or their dinner. Cyclops "The next monster I will be covering are the cyclops. cyclopses. Cyclops. She shook her confusion out of her head to continue. "Cyclops have various factions and not all of them are bad. Case in point are the cyclops that serve the gods in the forges of Poseidon, however, not all of them are good either. Most of the time, they are out to eat whatever they can, usually in the form of demigods or satyrs. Cyclops are large and incredibly strong, usually fighting with blunt weapons such as clubs or their fist. However, they present other dangers because everything they can do. For starters, much like the Empousa, cyclops can shrink and disguise themselves. They may appear as a large man, and only reveal their true height whenever they need too. Cyclops can also mimic someone's voice perfectly. They also have incredible hearing. This is why they are so good at trapping their prey, because they can hack into the memories of someone and imitate someone in pain to lure in their next victim. For their size and strength, cyclops are relatively slow and aren't extremely bright. That means you shouldn't try and fight one head on. If you can out maneuver one and outsmart one, you might just walk away alive. Might. Hellhounds "The final monster I will be covering this evening are hellhounds. They are large, massively large, dogs from the underworld. I covered this in my last lesson and again tonight, but not all monsters are bad. You may encounter a hellhound that doesn't want to kill you, but I wouldn't suggest trying to pet one unless you want to lose an arm. Hellhounds are dangerous for many reasons. The first being their size, as I mentioned before, because they can grow to be the size of a rhino or even a garbage truck. Massive dogs that would make Mac look like a chihuahua. Lily had to pause a moment as the image of Taylor getting turned into a chihuahua played over in her mind. "Their size alone should provide a big enough problem, but they are dangerously sneaky. They can shadow travel without getting tired, and even blend into the darkness. They are more dangerous at night for this reason, so it is best to avoid the woods after hours. When it comes to hellhounds. She paused as she tried to remember the text from the book she studied. "Oh right. Sorry. She added with a somewhat bashful smile. "Hellhounds are large and fast, but only in moving one direction. Think of a bull charging. If you can dart out of the way, you might stand a chance at landing a blow. Or, and I highly suggest this one, get out of there if you can. Summary "That is all I am going to cover today. She said with a quick breath. "If you would like to read up more about these monsters or any other monster, I'm sure the Athena cabin or the Big House has books on monsters you can read up on. Unlike last week, I don't really have a practical application for you after today's lesson. Empousa and cyclops are not stocked in the forest, and I hope none of you run into a hellhound in there. That said, I will be taking a walk through the woods tonight, and you're welcome to either join me or do the same. I only ask that you find a partner to go out with, should you choose to explore. I'll be around if anyone has any questions on the subject or monsters in general...
True fiction band. Though Ms. Aylward disapproved of the film (quite understandably) I highly recommend it. Keep in mind it's a movie from the 1950s, and that's the way they were made back then. In fact, it reminded me of its contemporary, Bridge over the River Kwai" in several ways: on the negative side the historical accuracy, but this was more than compensated by brilliant acting and an endearing message.
Acuvue true. I didn't nuke anybody. A select few created that chaos. Blazblue central fiction true ending. True fiction tv. True back bar cooler. True fiction makeup. True fiction ian ludlow thrillers book 1.
I feel like this theme of this season went over people head 😂😂. Best true crime fiction. Ryan: A commercial woman Shane: pretends to not know what that means. There's cheap trick I didn't appreciate when the tall one cuts his hand with barbwire and then dips it into a corps' necrotic fluid but survives. It was a trick because Spoiler I was convinced the character would die eventually but the other dies and this survives. Also characters' uniforms often where too clean for the life in the trenches. Historical fiction based on true events.
Hi Everyone, I've done this the last couple of years and everyone seemed to enjoy it. So here's everything I listened to in 2019. For my past lists, see below. 2017 2018 The Jungle – Upton Sinclair This book took me a good while to finish and mostly because it took me awhile to get in to. It is certainly not one meant for quick snippets of listening, you really need to have a good long drive or be planning on committing over an hour when you listen. Once I got into it, it was easy to understand why it was such an important book when it came out. If you cant feel the same hopelessness that Jurgis feels, youre a monster. Anyway, great book. City of Thieves – David Benioff So I started reading this in January, well before the DISASTER of a last season of Game of Thrones because I THOUGHT I liked Benioff and Weiss. And actually, this book did nothing to dispel that. It was a very interesting story, a quick listen and one that Ive recommended to friends all year. Damn I wish GoT didnt give me such a bad taste in my mouth every time I typed this guys name. Set during the Nazis siege of Leningrad its a great buddy road trip story between Lev and Kolya. Also Ron Perlman does a spectacular job narrating. The Lost World – Michael Crichton If you read my last two years reviews, you know that I go on Crichton kicks some times, this is no different as youll see four of my next five are from the man. I really loved Jurassic Park and how much more science focused it was compared to the movie. Now obviously this sequel is nothing like the movie sequel and that is a very good thing. As always with Crichton this book, despite its length, goes by so quickly. Scott Brick is a fantastic narrator. If youve been on the fence, get off of it, and listen to this book. Hamlet – William Shakespeare I had this idea that I was going to listen to all of Shakespeares plays, and Hamlet was one that performed and studied in high school and college so I figured it would be a good barometer of whether it was worth it. And…it really isnt. Its a quick listen but not necessarily an easy one. There is so much power in the words that for it to be something youre listening to while driving or doing the laundry, it just doesnt feel right. See the play, read the play, but I dont know if you should listen to it. The Andromeda Strain – Michael Crichton I was fairly certain I read this book in highschool, but you know what, I didnt remember a damn thing about it. This was an amazing story. It set the basis for so much science fiction and biotech thrillers in the future. I do prefer Scott Brick over David Morse as a narrator, but it wasnt so horribly different that it made it unlistenable. It maybe couldve been a little shorter, but I think I still listened to it in like a week. Timeline – Michael Crichton The Crichton tour continues and this time with another book that was turned into a movie. The movie is quite forgettable despite included a young Paul Walker, Gerard Butler, and Frances OConnor. But the book? Boy was it a revelation. Ive always had an affinity for medieval times so with that being the backdrop of the story, it was easy for me to get lost in it. Even though this book was almost double the length of The Andromeda Strain, I think I finished it in the same amount of time. I was taking the long way home, I was staying an extra twenty minutes in the gym. It was just a really great listen. Pirate Latitudes – Michael Crichton Well, they cant all be winners. Obviously this book was finished after Crichton had passed away and it makes you think that it was just a money grab. At first blush you think Crichton, Pirates, it should be gold! But there was no booty here. I took a class in college about the Golden Age of Piracy, so I consider myself pretty well informed on the subject and this book just missed the point the whole way. Very forgettable. Hummingbird – Jude Angelini Part Tucker Max and part Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, this is the ramblings of Jude Angelini a drug and sex addict. It is hilariously funny and immensely depressing if you know anyone going through addiction. I did really enjoy listening to it and its narrated by the author himself who has a voice made for narration. I really think youll like it. If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor – Bruce Campbell I love Bruce Campbell. Watched all of the Evil Dead series and loved him on Burn Notice as well. The guy has lived a very interesting life and hearing his story directly from his own mouth was so much fun. His voice is also perfect for narration and there are a lot of updates to the book at the end since it originally came out in 2002. Im fairly certain Bruce Campbell is beloved on Reddit, so I would imagine most of you know about this already, if you dont, get with the program! A Tale of Two Cities – Charles Dickens I just cant with Simon Vance. He is so boring. I know this is supposed to be one of the greats of all time, but it took me forever to get through and I spent so much of that time with my mind wandering thinking about anything else. Maybe Im uncultured swine, I dont know, I just never got into it and never really gave a damn about the characters. And maybe it would be better if I actually read it because Vance couldnt keep my attention, but Im hardpressed to recommend this to anyone aside from Dickens completion-ists, in which case, youre not reading this anyway. Catch-22 – Joseph Heller Back to the books that I was supposed to read in school and never did. This book took me a little bit to get in to, but once I did, I was hooked. There is so much of this book that is in pop culture that I was never truly aware of. One of those things where I get what catch-22 is, but never really got the meaning behind it, kind of like how implanted in pop culture To Kill a Mockingbird or Of Mice and Men is. This is right up there with it. I said I was going to watch the Amazon series, but I forgot. Maybe Ill do that now. Maybe. Anywho, yeah, listen to this book, its great. Ill Be Gone in the Dark: One Womans Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer – Michelle McNamara Holy shit. What a book, what a story, what a sick bastard. I was scared basically 90% of the time reading this chilling non-fiction work. The late Michelle McNamara did an amazing job making you feel like you were in the middle of this investigation. If you have any interest in true crime, in serial killers, in non-fiction, you need to listen to this. The narrator Gabra Zackman has an almost haunting voice. Not in a bad way, but she could make you feel chills when describing one of the Golden State Killers break-ins. In fact, Im getting chills now and need to stop writing about this. NEXT! Trainspotting – Irvine Welsh This was the first time that when I was done with the book I decided to not even both with the movie. I like Ewan McGregor a lot as an actor, but I dont know, this book told the story. I dont need an abridged version of it. Once you get over the Scottish accent and dialect its a really great listen. Its kind of like a Scottish Hunter Thompson book. Yeah, I dont know what more to say. Definitely worth a listen and great to get into the underbelly of the world a little bit. We Are Legion (We Are Bob) – Dennis Taylor I really enjoyed my foray back into science fiction. I knew absolutely nothing about the story going into it and I was glad. It went in so many different angles that I wasnt expecting. However, for the series as a whole, I havent listened to another one in the Bobiverse because I felt like this told such a complete story. Maybe at some point Ill listen to the others. But I dont want that to take away from how much I enjoyed this book. Very funny, narrated perfectly, and I was definitely finding excuses to listen to more of it. Ubik – Philip K. Dick Another one that I had no idea about when I started listening. I didnt know what I was getting myself into, but 6 days later I was finished with it and just wanted more. Truly a science fiction classic, the ending had an Inception feel to it. I cant recommend this enough. Get out there and give it a listen. The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini I had wanted to listen to/read this book for a long time. Definitely one of my gaps in knowledge is of the Middle East and I try and work books in that can enlighten me in any way. This is just a heartbreaking story. Youre constantly wanting to scream through the speaker to help. I dont want to give away much about this, anyone who loves audiobooks needs to put this on their list. The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne Another one I was supposed to read in school. Once you get used to how its written you get lost in the world. Also, like Catch-22 above, there is so much of this story weaved into pop culture that you dont realize how much of the story you already know. Hester Prynne is a protagonist for the ages and youre doing yourself a disservice if you dont know this story. Its a classic for a reason. A Brief History of Time – Stephen Hawking Narrated well by Michael Jackson (no, not that one) I ran into the same problem that I do with a lot of science books, I space out for a second and then I missed the whole point of what was being talked about and it throws me for a few minutes. But, the more I listen to books and the more this happens, I think a lot of what you need to focus on is what youre thinking about when youre spacing out. If you start thinking deeper about the universe, yourself, or really anything, then its still worth it to listen. Thats not to say I didnt learn any actual science from this book, but once I let myself off the hook for spacing out at times, I enjoyed it even more. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer – Mark Twain Another absolute classic and it was read by Nick Offerman, what more do you need than that? Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain Ok, maybe you needed more than that. This one was read by Elijah Wood. Obviously these are books I was supposed to read in school and never did. I can only recommend reading classics so much and reading them because theyre weaved into pop culture, blah blah blah. Listen, youre probably thinking that you shouldve read this book but whats the point? And heres the thing, whats the point in reading anything? Enjoyment, intellectual growth, getting lost in a world outside your own. Youre going to get all of those. So go for it. Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly – Anthony Bourdain Boy oh boy do I miss Anthony Bourdain. I loved his shows, I loved his personality and finally, I can love his book. I enjoyed his story so much. And hearing him narrate it really made me sad. This book tells you about the good and bad of the restaurant world. If you love food and love cooking, you need to listen to this. Ive always been an avid home chef and this made me try so many new recipes and new ideas and just really inspired me to continue my culinary journey. I dont think you need to have a love of cooking to still enjoy this book, but it helps! Planet Funny – Ken Jennings Went down a bit of a non-fiction hole here for the end of the year. I listened to Kens book right before the Jeopardy GOAT tournament was going to begin. Im a huge Jeopardy fan and also a comedy nerd, so this book was really in my sweet spot. Ken does an admirable job narrating and even though I dont know how Jeopardy will continue on without Alex Trebek, I think Ken would be a great choice. Evil Had a Name: The Untold Story of the Golden State Killer Investigation – Paul Holes, Jim Clemente, Peter McDonnell The unofficial follow up to Ill Be Gone in the Dark, the book goes into more detail and you hear from some of the victims themselves. This really does sound more like a documentary that a standard audiobook and I think that most non-fiction works will go down this path in the future. If you liked Ill Be Gone in the Dark you need to listen to this, I wouldnt recommend listening to this first though. Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know About the People We Dont Know – Malcolm Gladwell Ive always loved Gladwell and how he explains human psychology in a meaningful and easy to understand way. As someone who is littered with white male privilege, this was a great listen because it really made me question the way that I act in certain situations and it made me question my thought process when making decisions. Id recommend this to anyone. Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators – Ronan Farrow One of the best pieces of journalism these past few years. Its disgusting the systematic sexism, abuse, and degradation that the media world has allowed. Weinstein is a disgusting predator who is probably the reason that the term “casting couch” has remained in the mainstream for all these years. Farrow is a good narrator, his cadence takes some getting used to, but this is must listen to stuff. The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek – Rhett McLaughlin & Link Neal This is a silly young adult science fiction thriller and I absolutely loved it. Admittedly Im a viewer of Good Mythical Morning so I was predisposed to like it, but it really surprised me how much I enjoyed it. This was definitely one of those that Id find excuses to listen to. A quick and fun read, Id recommend it if you need something light. The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald Back to the classics, obviously this is a short book, so its a nice and easy read. Also it was another one that after reading I didnt feel like I needed to watch the movie. Theres nothing in movie form that could make me appreciate the book more. Listen to it if you havent to before. Its worth it. Ok, so thats all for now! Im writing these reviews late, and Ive already got four books under my belt for 2020, so lets keep growing and sharing.
True refridgeration. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast level 2 So when you buy a blue ray it'd be cool if you get the option to turn on a feature where it tells you if that part of the film actually happened or if they just made it up to make it more entertaining. level 1 It would almost always say it was fiction unless it was a documentary. level 2 Haha possibly, how about a rule in which at least 60% of the story needs to be true for it to be advertised as based on a true story then! A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar. Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.
True fiction by lee goldberg. If the witches were to have anything to do with ahs: 1984, wouldn't Fiona still be Supreme, and Spaulding would be her right hand man? And her daughter wouldn't be so into her powers just yet, and the girls from coven probably wouldn't even born yet. I can't remember when lady gaga's countess from Hotel turned into a vamp in the ahs timeline. True fictions. True g4sm 23. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast level 2 I want them to say so during the movie: A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar. Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved Cookies help us deliver our Services. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Learn More.
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True fiction book. Fiction books based on true stories. Is fiction true. True cooler gaskets. Hey all! Im back with some more reviews (à la my reviews of The Grudge Series and Makoto Shinkais filmography. This time Im tackling all 9 of the Best Picture nominees this year! They all certainly have their merits and, in my opinion, represent one of the best slates on nominees in years. So, without further ado, here are my impressions of this years noms!
I think it is somewhat redundant to say that there is a reason this is the film that is the favorite leading into the Oscars. I mean, it ticks all the boxes: its well directed, with a rare if not entirely unique style, a great albeit less-than-famous cast, its a period piece, and its “based on a true story. ” In fact, it pretty much checks all the boxes that Academy voters have been voting on in the past 5-10 years, except one: this decidedly never feels like bait. From moment one, 1917 feels raw, real, emotional and epic. It is the quintessential “great movie. ” Unfortunately, it is also quite likely doomed to the same fate as many great movies: the recycling bin. It will probably be forgotten in all too few years and have its guts cut apart and repurposed for film school projects in the years to come. Which is sad, really, but it is the fate of so many of its contemporaries that it is hardly surprising. 9. 7/10 What it should win: Best Cinematography What it will win: Best Picture, along with at least a few other awards Ford v Ferrari I mean, if there was a true underdog to this race it would be the completely fine but forgettable Ford v Ferrari. And thats a shame, really, because even though it hardly deserves to be playing in the sandbox with the big boys this is ultimately a pretty decent movie. Amazing? No. But it brings something to the table that no other Best Picture nom this year manages: this is Oscar bait. Pure, unadulterated, Oscar Bait. The cinematography and acting and writing and story and period: its all what Academy voters lapped up for so many years, with all the fat cut down and any semblance of new ideas being drowned out by the sound of a Ford engine or Christian Bale yelling about his wrench. If this movie was released in 2009 or 2010 it may have a chance of winning. Nowadays, its destined to be left in the cold. 8/10 What it should win: Best Picture, 2009 What it will win: Probably nothing, but maybe a sound editing or mixing nod. The Irishman It might be because this is one of the films freshest in my mind—or more likely because Goodfellas is one of my top ten favorite movies of all time—but I really enjoyed The Irishman. It suffers from some pacing issues and a team up of De Niro, Pesci, Pacino and Scorsese just screams “bait, ” but I feel as though overall the film never devolves into something you would expect. It, for one thing, never feels like it is trying to be a pretentious movie, just a director and a cast looking back on their lives and responding to the mistakes they have made. It feels in many ways to be a response to Goodfellas and Silence, a look at faith and mobsters in equal parts—the two themes Scorsese has constantly been analyzing throughout his career. Its long, bloated, confusing, dull, and has a distracting amount of CGI. but it is also probably Scorseses magnum opus. A real masterstroke. Now please let him retire from mob movies before he screws it up. 2/10 What it should win: Best Director What it will win: Unfortunately, unless somehow it pulls out a win in a technical category, The Irishman will likely be snubbed Jojo Rabbit This is probably about as anti-Oscars you can get, so its a pretty big marvel that it is even nominated for Best Picture. I mean, for one thing this is a satire—a historically difficult genre for both audiences and even filmmakers to understand. For another, this is a movie in which a young boy is imaginary friends with Adolf Hitler. Its just not what usually draws the more, lets say, “uppity” Oscars crowd. All that being said, this movie is brilliant. Once you get used to the humor and the rollercoaster you are embarking on this ends up being one of the funniest movies of the year, if not the funniest. The cast is superb (I see great things in Thomasin McKenzies future) and there is not a single scene in this film that wont have you grinning or crying. Its, unfortunately, just not an Oscars film and is perhaps just a little ahead of its time to be truly appreciated. 5/10 What it should win: Best Adapted Screenplay What it will win: Again, save for an upset victory in a technical category, this film is destined to be snubbed Joker Ah, Joker. The movie that deserved most to be nominated but deserved least to win. I think it is really important that this film got the nods that it did, it is, after all, one of very few comic book films that actually take the topic seriously and with a lot of reverence both for its fan base and for the filmmaking community. It actually succeeded in creating a world in which we empathize, however morbidly, with the Joker. I mean, he is literally the face of pure evil. It also was fantastically acted and directed, with Joaquin Phoenix finally delivering a performance that forces the Academy to take notice of the otherwise fantastic but oft-overlooked actor. But, at the end of the day Joker will always be remembered with or without the Academys help, so I think the nomination is far more important than the award in this case. 9/10 What it should win: I might get flack for this, but I think Joker s Oscars success should stop at Best Makeup and Hairstyling. Joaquin was great, but he has put in, and will put in, better performances in less contentious years What it will win: Blegh) Best Actor Little Women Im pretty biased in this because not only is Lady Bird one of my favorite films in recent memory, not only is Saoirse Ronan one of my favorite actresses currently rising in Hollywood, NOT ONLY are Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, and Eliza Scanlen great in their own right. but Little Women also happens to be one of my favorite novels. So I dont think it was going to be any surprise that Little Women would also be one of my favorite films of this year. What Greta Gerwig did to this admittedly aging piece of fiction is beyond expectations, turning the provincial worries of the March family into gripping drama and some pretty heart wrenching moments. It transforms the almost 800-page novel into short vignettes, trimming off some of the less notable moments to showcase just the very best pieces and still managing to fully develop the characters and situations. It is, frankly, fantastic stuff. 5/10 What it should win: Saoirse Ronan for Best Actress, since Greta Gerwig was snubbed for Best Director What it will win: Possibly Best Adapted Screenplay, probably Best Costume Design Marriage Story Maybe it is because I had no expectations going into Marriage Story, but this was the biggest surprise for me across the entire slate of Best Picture nominees this year. It, on paper, seems pretty basic. Two people getting divorced, fighting for custody of their kid. But in reality, this movie just blew me away with how funny, dramatic, sad, and shocking it is. Adam Driver is beyond a standout: going in I literally thought of him only as Kylo Ren. From now on, I might actually see him as Charlie Barber because he steps into this role so naturally. It is also the only movie besides Jojo Rabbit on this years slate that honestly made me laugh. It is a small, insignificant, and otherwise unremarkable film but I loved it dearly. If the Academy gave awards purely on soul, Marriage Story would win them all. 5/10 What it should win: Best Actor for Adam Driver What it will win: I think its all but certain that Laura Dern has the Best Supporting Actress Oscar in the bag Once Upon a Time in Hollywood This isnt Tarantinos best work. There, I said it. If Tarantino deserved a Directing or Best Picture Oscar, he deserved it for Pulp Fiction, Inglorious Bastards, or Django Unchained, and I think it would be a pretty major disappointment if he won one for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. This is a bloated, confusing, incoherent, and ultimately plot-less mess of a film that ends up not leaving anywhere near as much of a mark on its audience or the cultural zeitgeist as its forebearers. Its already on the forgettable side of Tarantinos work and it hasnt even been a year, there is no way that this film will last for the amount of time that so many of the directors work has. Its only true saving grace is its actors: both Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio do admittedly terrific work, making the film at least as fun to watch as many of Tarantinos other films. Its just a shame that it doesnt quite reach those heights. 8. 5/10 What it should win: Honestly? Nothing. I think every category Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is nominated in has better candidates for taking home the award. What it will win: Best Supporting Actor and almost certainly Best Original Screenplay Parasite This movie isnt just the best movie of the year, it might very well be the best Best Picture nominee of the decade. Thats a huge statement, but, truthfully, I dont think any other race in the 2010s has had a film so unique, well-written, well-crafted both from a production and directorial standpoint, and timely as Parasite. This movie just has so many quotable and talked about moments that have already entered the pop culture zeitgeist that its insane to think that it has only been less than a year since its release. Parasite seems destined to live on longer than any other film on this list, like the Pulp Fiction of the 2010s. But, just like Pulp Fiction, it wont win Best Picture. Its just to niche and the themes too controversial. But I think everyone who hasnt watched this exemplarily piece of filmmaking should drop what they are doing and do so now. 10/10 What it should win: Best Picture What it will win: Best International Feature Film.
It was a bright sunny day in Washington D. C. The wind was light, air was fresh, sky was blue with light wisps of clouds dotting the sky. People moving about carrying on with their daily lives. This soon would change. At approximately 1400, June 28th 2020 Darkness fell over the planet as thousands of ships warped in and surrounded the planet darkening the sky to a dull grey. NORAD moved immediately to DEFCON 1, the President of the United States and Cabinet, along with all other world leaders, followed emergency protocols to get them into bunkers preparing for an exctinction level event. Deep inside the Bunkers, The President on comms with the other world leaders discussed what was happening in orbit around the planet. A good majority of the other nations wanted to launch a first strike with everything they had; a Blitzkreig, launch half of their nuclear arsenal and obliterate the sudden foe. President Castile suggested not jumping to conclusions as we did not know their intentions. Whoever they were. He was drowned out by panic, other nations leaders getting their launch codes out and aiming everything they had toward the sky. The British prime minister came on commlink stating " We must act now before its too. His commlink was interrupted. The communication link disconnected on all channels. A blank screen with the words "Acquring sattellite signal" for a few minutes, which seemed like hours to those present in the room The US team scurried around the room as IT specialists and Air Force chiefs of staff talked back and forth regarding the connection when they were interrupted. Abruptly with very high volume on all channels, all screens, every screen, every radio frequency, broadcasting in English was a figure. A blue ish tinted skin bipedal figure with a much larger upper body than lower. The figure had four arms, each hand contained two fingers with an opposible thumb. Scale of the figure was hard to make out from the screen. It identified itself as General Kaloxian of the Royal Batraxian Navy serving the planet of Batrax. Greetings to all life on Earth, please do not panic, we mean you absolutely no harm. We are from the planet Batrax from the Andromeda galaxy. We seek you as allies in an intergalactic war against a species who is dead set on our extinction. We have intercepted your transmissions. We have seen your war propaganda of many mighty species who have been smited by your great military forces. I wish to meet with your leaders to discuss how you can help us defeat the Ormoath before they destroy us. As quickly as they were interrupted, comms between world leaders came back online, a general look of confusion was on every single screen. President Castile would be the first to speak " As far as first contact goes, this is uhh interesting, anyone have any bright ideas on what war propaganda they are referring too. Britains prime minister responded, THATS YOUR QUESTION! That was your takeaway, an alient fleet surrounds the planet and that was what you got from that, we're doomed. Russia's Putin. Relax, Russia will help these aliens in the conqest, i'm sure they can respond in kind to Russian's interest" After much discussion they agreed to Summit near the capital ship around Washington D. in 18 hours. The committee sent a message to the fleet on all channels, not knowing which ones were being monitored. To General Kaloxian, The world leaders are ready to meet, we are underneath what we beleive is your capital ship. Please descend slowly and emerge from the ship unarmed and we can discuss" Within moments a small pod detached from the massive vessel in orbit and slowly descended down to the grounds in front of the Capitol. As it got closer, the scale became apparent. This transport was small. Not small spacecraft small but, borderline tiny. It was approximately the size of a large suitcase. The eight world leaders stood above with with their own presidential guards surrounding the small craft. A ramp opened and out walked the same figure General Kaloxian. It looked up and seemed unwavered by the massive size variance of the species. It spoke quite loudly given its size, asking where this discussion was to take place. President Castile offered the Cabinet room, the other leaders agreed it would suffice. Inside the Cabinet room, the leaders sat in chairs while General Kaloxian was walking around on the table. He had brought a projection orb which generated a 3D map of his system, the planets the Ormoath had capured and far off the distance was the blue spec of Earth. Kaloxian described the Ormoath as a small eight legged creatures with spacecraft that did not posess FTL capability. The Ormoath was a swarm species, they land, swarm, overwhelm repopulate and consume planets. The Batraxian people had FTL drives and thats how they were able to get to Earth to summon help. President Castile asked his burning question, what propaganda did you intercept" Kaloxian- Ah yes, your greatest victories of course. Independence Day, Starship Troopers. We know the species that you faught and repelled and they are truly vicious. This is why we know you can obliterate the Ormoath. Silence fell on the entire room, a long undisturbed silence. Chuckles, and finally full on laughter and the sheer lunacy of the occurance. The leaders talking amongst themselves. Putin, so they intercept hollywood, and now we can save them, Castile you need to explain fiction my friend" Castile spoke as his laughter subsided; General Kaloxian I don't know how to do this delicately so I will just come out and say it, what you have seen is complete fiction, none of that is real. It never happened. You are the first contact we've ever had with another species from another planet. I hate to break it to you, but I don't know how much help we can be, We haven't even left our own solar system. General Kaloxian seemed to take this in stride. I see, that is interesting and certainly something we considered until we saw these pieces featuring species we knew, we disregarded Star Trek and Star wars due to their species content that simply does not exist in our galactic records. If what you say is true, then it is by some true coincidence that these species you say you made up also exist in reality. That said, I do still feel you can be of assistance. You clearly have seen the size difference in our species, and I metioned the Omoarth are small. By your units of measurement the average diamter is one centimeter. Do not underestimate them. They carry plasma based weapons, are fast and will swarm soldiers to their death. It is our belief that as Batraxians that humans hatred towards "bugs" makes you excellent allies against the Omaorth. We do not have rules of war. We wish to survive and save our homeworlds from extinction. President Castile. We have no spacefaring ships, we have no trained soldiers for this, we do not know the atmospheric conditions of these planets. We do not have. Castile was interrupped by Putin " Little man, My country will help you. You get my soldiers there and we will slaughter your enemy, we require a share of technology so that we get these FTL drives, do you agree. China's Xiao not wanting to miss an opportunity, We also pledge our soldiers to you for technologiy sharing" Castile finding his voice again, Alright lets take a vote? Shall we; all in favor of. A Unamimous yes heard before he even finished. "Alright General Kaloxian, how many human soldiers can you fit onto your ships given our size" asked President Castile. Kaloxian "We can fit two soldiers with gear per ship in their cargo bays. Our homeworlds have similar atmospheric conditions, gravity is a little weaker air is slightly more acidic. Nothing you cannot handle. We have 8300 ships in orbit. We request 16, 600 soldiers to ready for battle immediately. Each Nation asked for Volunteers from its Militaries, there was overwhelming support and a list of volunteers that greatly exceeded the small number that would fit on the ships. Each soldier selected was from their nations Special Operations unit. They would be able to choose their own kit, weapons and rations. There was no indication any of them would come home after facing the Ormoath. As the soldiers got ready, the Batraxian Navy began to lower ships down to earth to load their precious to the size of the cargo containment area, the soldier pairs were laid down and given a sedative for their 18 hour journey in to the unknown war zone. The Batraxian Navy warped into Batraxian space and began to land, from orbit the planet was burning, huge plumes of smoke were creating their own weather patterns as they grew and consumed more of the planet. The ships descended towards the Stronghold they had against the Omoarth. This was their last stand. The last few million of their species holding against the swarm of the Omoarth. The Human soldiers were air dropped onto the front line with parachutes modified to function in the Batraxian Air as it was thinner than Earths. The first to land was Green Beret Cross. He got his bearings, detached his chute and saw what looked like an amorphous black blob headed his direction, being hit by explosions throwing shrapnel and reforming. It reminded him of a Terminator movie. It was approximately half a mile away. Airborne troops continued to land around him and assess the very same blob of black, akin to a massive black wave in the ocean. An obsidian Tsunami. Cross looked at his standard kit, M4 Battle rifle, M9 sidearm, hand grenades. It was in that exact moment thatt he was faced with the reality of how illequipt earth was for facing an enemy of this nature, we should have prepped for this he though almost laughing out loud. He wasn't sure what any of this was going to do against this type of enemy. Cross shook the poorly timed joke from his mind as an Omaorth scout leading the charge scuttled up to Green Beret Cross and fired at him with the plasma tips bionically attached to its legs. Cross heard a small crackling from below him and looked down. He saw what looked like a common house spider in America, that happened to be firing plasma balls at his boot. He bent over and reached down and grabbed it gently between his thumb and forefinger. It struggled against him and shot plasma balls at his fingers, stinging a bit but doing no real harm. He spoke to it, wondering if it understood english. Hey little guy, so your whats all the fuss is about? You don't seem so threatening to me. The scout replied " Do not fear but one of us, fear the swarm" It pointed at the black wave that was now within basic eyesight, 2, 500 or so yards away. Cross spoke again to the scout, alright little guy, here's the thing, I brought a rifle; for big targets like me, The brought flamethrowers, turns out they really hate bugs. He flicked the scout out of his grasp, it's small body exploding at the force exerted from the fingernail hitting its body. Cross called on all channels. This is Captain Cross of the United States Green Berets, we are fighting an enemy called the Omoarth, they are a swarm of common house spiders with advanced tech, this tech so far is harmless against us. However, that black wave of them will overwhelm us. To those of you who brought area of effect weapons, artillery, flamethrowers, claymores and others, we need you to hold the front line. The rest of us will support with hand grenades. Put down your battle rifles, this enemy is too small for the effective use of those weapons. Form a line on the ridge in front of us. Let them come to us, and lets burn some bugs. A massive cheer was sounded as every callsign responded in unison. They formed the line. Set up mines, mortars in the back, flamethrowers in the front. The black wave of he Omoarth swarm grew closer and in turn revealed its scale. It had to be half a mile wide and several hundred yards tall. When it got within 400 yards, the mortar teams got the signal to fire. The echoes of the foomps of the shells leaving the tubes carried across the valley, followed by a still and a silence in the air. The front line watched as they first mortar hit volley hit, giant concussive waves ripped through the black cloud leaving temporary craters in its shape. The cloud reformed and now pressed on with more speed. The mortar teams adjusted angle, and now the 40mm teams were also within range. The firing line sounded like strands of firecrackers the frequency at which 40mm grenades and mortars were being fired, as fast as they could be reloaded they were fired again until their ammunition stores were exhausted. The Black cloud had been halved but it still pressed on under the barrage, east blast consuming hundreds of thousands of Omoarth in the shockwave and fire. The Omoarth swarm began to hum a low resonant frequency and started to form a narrow column facing the front line. The swarm had learned that large broadside attack was too easy of a target to hit. The Human front line condensed into a firing line half its original size. 16, 000 soldiers all shrank together into a line a quarter mile across. The Omoarth's new orientation made battle rifles viable, a rifle round would sail through hundreds or more before being slowed down. The swirling spiraling column of Omoarth bared down on the Human line, the soldiers opened fire, there was no need for semi-auto control. Magazines were emptied, thousands of rounds were fired into the black column, it weakened but continued to gain ground, showing no signs of stopping. Captain Cross again came across all channels. This is Captain Cross, set your trip wires, ready your hand grenades, fall in to a circle when the line is pushed, and to my German friends. I sincerely hope you've upgraded those flamethrowers since World War Two. This is our last stand and if we fail, this planet falls with us. They called for aid, we answered, do not let their faith in us go misplaced. The strength of humanity is in us working together. The Omoarth were now within 50 yards, The first wave of claymores detonated, shaking the entire line with its concussive force. This dealt a huge blow to the remaining Omoarth, which now spread out and began to start to flank the sides of the line. The Human line collapsed on itself as intended, soldiers throwing all their hand grenades behind them blasting more of their enemy as they retreated. Rifles were empty, grenades were gone, claymores had fired. Every last projective had been fired. German Commander Rolf Eisenbracht called for his Flammenwerfer to move to the front of the newly collapsed troop line. 600 Flammenwerfer rose and stood at attention and moved stoicly to the edge of the line. The Omoarth were almost in range, they had to wait until they were within 10 yards to maximize the burn. The waiting seemed like an eternity, The Batraxian Navy watching believing their saviors had failed and were about to be overrun. The remainder of the Omoarth swarm rose to stand 10 feet tall and closed in completely surrounding the Humans. Eisenbracht continued to command to hold, until they were close enough. Hold. The Omoarth now within range of their plasma tips fired hundreds of thousands of orbs which join together like rain droplets to form larger orbs. The first of these large orbs hit a retreating Russian solider and promptly exploded. This is what the swarm is capable of when within range. Eisenbracht seeing this soldier sublimated into liquid was the breaking point, he ordered as loud as he could muster, FEUER. The encircled line erupted with streams of red hot flame jutting outward from the center. Turns out, when you roast the Omoarth, they pop like popcorn. The roar of popping was all anyone could hear as the Flammenwerfer's continued to dispense liquid burning hatred. The Omoarth tried to climb over the flames and jump into the middle, Eisenbracht seeing this called for half of his Flammenwerfers to adjust angle upward. From above as the Batraxian navy oberseved, a spherical ball of fire erupted spreading outward and upward, for two full minutes the Flammenwerfer's burned unable to see past their flames if their job had been completed, just as oxygen was starting to run low in the circle from the flames using it all, the tanks began to dry up, almost as soon as it started the Flammenwerfers were out of fuel. What was left burning around them smoldered, some popping still being heard as the wave of heat started to disperse. Soldiers stood up from the line, looking through the heat mirage still present. A once bright beautiful valley of life and living plants and trees was now brown and black from detonations of artillery, scorched earth from flame and the dead Omoarth in piles. As the soldiers got up out of their entrenchment they saw retreating surviving Omoarth, hundreds if not a few thousand scuttling away. One soldier called up to Captain Cross, Orders sir. Cross. Kill them all " Ten or more of the Omoarth together makes a plasma orb comparable to a 9mm. They ran and chased and stomped out the remaining Omoarth like small children jumping in rain puddles. Satisfied they got them all, they slowly walked back to their fellow soldiers. They began to march towards the city of Batrax Prime, the capital city contained all the elders, templars and the Supreme Leader. General Kaloxian was waiting on the inside of the gate for the Human army to enter so he could personally thank them before the Supreme Leader came out. General Kaloxian was on a flying platform that allowed him to be at approximate eye level with the Humans. As they all filed into the capital and began to form lines and columns according to country of origin. The Soldiers stood at attention, their commanding officers ahead of each group. Captain Cross in the center in front of them all. Up Above the Batraxian Navy flying over head in celebration of the glorious victory, showered the capital in flower petals of a silver color, the had the texture of rose petals but were silver like foil and reflective, they glimmered in the light from the planets three suns as they gently fell to the ground. The Supreme Leader was brought out on his own floating platform, his crusted in gold and gems, he had golden robes with bright blue accents, he had long flowing white hair and a beard to match, his eyes sunk into his face from age. He addressed the Human army. "Brave soldiers, I am the Supreme Leader Of Batrax, I am the leader of our species, It is with great honor and selflessness that your Army fought for a species you did not know a short time ago. Who among you is your leader. Captain Cross Stepped forward. "Supreme Leader, I am Captain Cross of the United States Army Green Beret's I am the assigned leader of this coalition" Supreme Leader responded, Captain Cross is that right? Please tell me, why is it that your people rose to battle, called to arms to fight a species you did not know. Cross, A wise man named Wayne once told me. When a friend ask's for help, ya help em. You asked for help with a scrap you got yourselves into and we are pretty good at scrappin so we came to help. Supreme Leader "It has been a great honor to watch you, our new allies fight our sworn enemy down to the last one, we will honor our trade agreement set by General Kaloxian, we will share what we know of the Galaxy and its systems and its technology, but you must share with us your weapons. We have never seen such effective weapons against the Omoarth" Cross chuckled, If we knew we were fighting bugs we would have brought cans of Raid" The human troops all chuckled in unison. Supreme leader "Raid? Is this some kind of superweapon. Cross " kind of its a contact poison that kills bugs like your Omoarth, we will send some back with you when you take us home. The Human army was loaded back onto the ships they came in, one KIA and a few minor wounded would all return. 18 hours of flight time and the ships were landing on Earth. Earth's leaders were desperate to know what transpired. Did this enemy pose a threat to Humanity. A press conference was held. Captain Cross the centerpiece. Reporters questioned, What did you find over there, what did you fight against. Cross- Basically tech enabled spiders, like one inch diameter sized. There were millions of them, we blew them up, but really the German Flamethrowers deserve all the accolades. Reporter- You had one casualty, what happened. Turns out when the little guys plasma tipped legs fire in unison with each other the more plasma orbs that connect the stronger it gets, we did not know this as the first one I encountered on its own fired at my hand point blank and barely singed the hairs, I thank Comrade Olshavesk for his sacrifice, he will be missed by all of us. What did you promise them in return, they offered us tech, what did they get in return. They are getting scaled down flamethrowers, cans of Raid and converted 40mm grenade launchers into mortars, they are too small of a species to move regular mortars. Raid. Yes, the poison, again, we were fighting spiders, will it work, I don't know but its whole lot less destructive than what we just did. Press Core " No more questions, Captain Cross has had a long and arduous journey, We have an ally in the stars that is forever in our debt, they have given us the key to explore the universe, may we find more allies like them" Comments, tips and such are welcome. Thanks for Reading.
I love the 80's. One episode in, it's already my favorite season. Can you take a deep dive in to twin peaks? Like a once a week deal? I love when you two talk about the tp universe. What is true fiction. Leads to him taking on characteristics of the real Elliot Alderson's happy prison life. These include: forgetting Darlene is his sister, not knowing about the abuse he suffered from his father, and even acting on concepts the real Elliot has created such as the anarchist hacker group name FSociety. This is a GREAT point. In another thread, someone had asked me if the Mastermind had created the E-Corp plot in S02E04, why didn't he remember it as the series started, and I think your point answers that perfectly. Great catch.
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